Big fish

My photo
Chicago, IL, United States
Willing to learn, ready to wear.

Cut Your Hair - Pavement - listen now


Squeaky hinges.

I have a magnet on my easel that says "La Dama" paired with an illustration of a classy lady.

Today in studio we were visited by our home professor (briefly) to talk about work that we may want to do this semester. It wasn't until this morning that I realized I didn't have any solid clues to what I want. None really at all. I just know what I don't want to do. And that I want to get a really tiny tattoo of a shark on my foot -- but that has nothing to do with class. It's really frustrating to stare at the three months ahead of me thinking, man, I want to make something fulfilling. That's a lot of time to get work done, I want to spend it well.

I was asked today by Joel if I was going to make more paintings this semester. And though I want to, I know I don't want to do any more like the last one I did.

People in class think it's scary, which it is, but honestly this kind of work isn't really my ideal aesthetic. It was a painting I needed to do, but I don't feel like I need to do this kind of work anymore. I'm not really into freaking people out with sort of obvious freaky imagery. I really enjoy subtle art that sort of creeps into you slowly. That's maybe what I want to try out this semester, being more subtle and less illustrative. Who knows what will come from it.

Two days ago I finished my photo project (400 photos in a week). One of my close friends, Anna, did many inspiring things to help me out with the pictures -- yoga in the park in a golden bodysuit, numerous outfit changes and funny objects. She's amazing! I had an absolute blast. We went to the park with Julie (who's also in my class) and Anna P. who was also an amazing model in the park.

Here's a few shots from the 400+ I ended up taking:

Taking those photos felt really, really good. I think the best part was just how much fun we had setting up ridiculous situations for ourselves.

I just got all of my film and photo paper in the mail, along with a bright yellow Holga, which I'm super psyched about. My poor friends are going to have to deal with my cameras being up in their faces all the time -- but I don't think they'll mind too much, hopefully.


radioshow said...

all we need:
golden body suit
lasagna served luke warm at 2am
and prepare for magic!

Kate said...

Indeed! It is all we need. Especially that lasagna, it was the cherry on top.


Old fish